Surly MDS and Gnot Boost Compatible Thru-Axles

Woohoo! We’ve got a solution for Surly MDS and Gnot Boost bikes that want to tow a kid trailer, such as a Thule, Chariot or Burley. We dig Surly bikes and the people that ride them – durable, no BS and adventurous.

The Surly compatible axles are a bit different than typical thru-axles in that they aren’t threaded. However, the installation and removal is just as simple as before. They also allow a better fit for the hitches that are used with Burley trailers, like this:

Surly Bike and Burley Trailer

The Surly MDS and Gnot Boost compatible axle makes for a better fitment, as seen here with a Burley Trailer hitch (And a big thank you Missoula Bicycle Works!)

In all of our rigorous testing, we were pleased to find that they are much stronger than the stock axle. Which is important when towing your precious cargo. We’ve got three different sizes, and all three are in stock now!

Surly  12 x 142/148 hub standard MDS/Gnot Boost Thru-Axles for Kid Trailers

Surly 12 x 177 hub standard MDS Thru-Axle for Kid Trailers

Surly 12 x 197 hub standard MDS Thru-Axle for Kid Trailers



  1. Torsten Hahn on June 28, 2020 at 6:25 am

    Hi. So you recommend using a Trailer on a horizontal dropout? Is it really safe or can the axle become loose by itself?

    • The Robert Axle Project on June 29, 2020 at 7:38 am

      We DO NOT recommend using a trailer with a horizontal dropout. We only recommend using a trailer with the Surly MDS dropout.

  2. Justin Wood on April 12, 2021 at 11:43 pm

    Hmm, so would this be kosher with a Surly Ogre? I was able to get my BOB trailer to work with the bob nuts, but still don’t have a solution for my kid’s trailer. Cheers in advance!

    • Erik Fenner on April 13, 2021 at 9:29 am

      Hey Justin, If you have an older Ogre with QR this will not work but modern Ogre’s have GNOT Boost and this is a perfect match for those bikes.

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